King Khan LTD, Tijuana Panthers et Archie & The Bunkers au Bikini Fest le 30 août !

La 4ème édition du Bikini Fest aura lieu le 30 août prochain à Toulouse, ce sera une belle occasion de venir écouter plusieurs de nos groupes !

King Khan viendra présenter son dernier projet Louder Than Death pour lequel il a recruté les meilleurs musiciens : Looch Vibrato et Aggy Sonora de Magnetix et Fredovich des Schrines.

Ensuite direction la côte ouest avec  le surf-garage du trio de Long Beach, Tijuana Panthers et enfin on retrouvera le garage punk de Archie & The Bunkers, l’énergique duo des frères O’Connor.

Pour réserver c’est par ici :

On vous attend nombreux !

Archie And The Bunkers & Meatbodies on EUROCKÉENNES 2017

  While most teenagers spend troubled years looking for their identities, Cullen and Emmett have always known who they were, swimming in the same musical pool since childhood thanks their dad. The two brothers (of Cleveland, Ohio) only 13 et 16 at the time, formed this unusual drums and organ duet known as Archie & The Bunkers, finding inspiration in what they’ve always loved: punk like the Stooges played and 60’s garage with rockab and blues sonorities!


 As for Meatbodies they are a basically garage-punk band, formed in 2013 in Monrovia, California by Chad Ubovich ! They go straight into the sound wall of hard vintage and rock stoner, with Californian psychedelic hippie voices, all recorded at the bottom of a radioactive canyon. Concise songs, dripping guitars, echoing everywhere, a great thing in expansion and without concessions, which always gives desire to mount the sound.

And we are pleased to announce that they will play in EUROCKÉENNES 2017, on 6th and 8th July, see you guys !

Archie & The Bunkers concert is coming !

Archie and The Bunkers are an American rock’n’roll duo formed in Cleveland, Ohio, in 2013. The group consists of brothers Emmett (drum/vocals) and Cullen O’Connor (Organ/vocal). The pair began recording music in their basement self-producing their first 2 EPs (Comrade X. 2013, and Trade Winds, 2014.) The band’s raw garage punk sound draws heavily from Cullen’s melding of divergent musical styles.  Influences range from jazz organ greats like Jimmy Smith, and Richard “Groove” Holmes, to punk icons Dead Boys, The Stooges, The Screamers, and more.

On stage, the siblings attack their songs with an energy that whips the audience into a frenzy. The unique growl of Cullen’s whirring, overdriven organ and the driving beat of Emmett’s 4-piece drum kit, leave concert-goers in shock at the sonic assault levied by only two.

The concert is coming, so « Hey oh let’s go » !

We are waiting for you on June 22th in Paris, they’ll play with The Punkin’ Bros, see you !


Informations here

Buy your pre – sales !


Deux nouveaux groupes U Turn annoncés à TINALS!

The Blind Shake et Archie & the Bunkers viennent s’ajouter à la programmation du This is not a Love Song Festival (Nîmes)… Et c’est pas fini. Stay tuned!

Pour mémoire, le live de Ty Segall au printemps dernier à TINALS :